Wednesday, July 21, 2004

It's hotttttt...smog alert in's sweltering out there, quite dangerous to venture outdoors for more than 10 minutes. It's weather like this I'm happy to be at work indoors. hehhe.

I had to lecture my class's time to lay down the law. I've been too easy-going with them, and now they're just taking advantage of that. New rules are: you're not allowed to not participate, not allowed to make negative comments, not allowed to swear (tho we agreed that 'crap' and 'stupid' are not swear words...hahah, because I accidently said crap during class), and not allowed to put down other ppl's interests (like the cartoon Inu Yasha...which all the girls are obsessed about). Those boys really love distracting me by asking unrelated questions like, "do you have a boyfriend?" One 12-year old asked me if I wanted to marry him....hahhaha.....I laughed in my mind for a while, but I held my composure and stated that I was too old and too tall for him. I think that class clown took it well, and I said that he's a little young to go around proposing to girls. hehe. Teaching kids is hard work, but it's worth it in the end. After our session on Ancient Greek mythology (Gods and Goddesses of Mt. Olympus), I told them the Bible's creation story. It's interesting how all 8 of my kids have not heard of it I hope to have opportunities to slip in Bible stories and share my faith with them. I doubt it's against to do that in the classroom, so I'll play 'dumb' until told otherwise. heheh.