Monday, December 15, 2003

Home sweet home. It's so nice to be back and not worry about school at all! Yay! I did all my Christmas shopping today, quite proud of myself for accomplishing this feat in 2.5 hrs.....heheh....
I'm just done cleaning my house, preparing for the sleepover tomorrow with my fav. gals. Haven't seen us all together since Sept. Can't wait. We'll be getting our ears pierced (some for the first time), renting Pirates of the Carribean, coming back and making pita pizzas (yum). Gonna be a fun night!
Finally saw Matrix Revolutions at Western film on Friday night. Aaaahhhhhhhh!!! It's such a good movie! Totally blew me away.....very apocalyptic theme, but I'm happy with the ending. Some parts were pretty scary too. Lil and I were quite scared and jumpy (hehe), maybe cuz we expected the worst to happen at every scene. It was almost as good as the first one.