Wednesday, October 01, 2003

One topic of the four sermons at retreat stood out to me. It was simply about God's love; this topic is such a basis for our faith, yet I've never wondered about it's origin before. We know that God loves us, and the reason is this; 'just because'. He loves us because God IS love. So have you wondered who or what did God love before he created the earth and mankind? Before the heavenly beings and angels? Before the universe? Before anything and everything? Whoa....really makes you think huh? The answer is so simple, and yet it is so crucial. God loved Himself. That's why there is a Trinity, and Godhead of 3 Persons. As I thought this through on my own, if there is only 1 Person as Godhead, loving Himself seems selfish. This is why we're Trinatarians, God loved Himself. The Father loved the Son, the Son loved the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit loved the Father, and vice versa. No selfishness whatsoever!Love exists in God, between the Father, Son, and Spirit. This is the reason why love exists. There is a point in love, a source and an object. This is the perfect, loving relationship between the 3 Persons of the Godhead. The Son obeys the will of the Father, laying down his life for Him (and us, but most importantly for His Father), the Father raises His Beloved up, and the Holy Ghost promotes the Father and Son. The Godhead has one voice, always in perfect harmony, with an unified will. In Genesis, the Trinity cooperatively said "Let us make man in our own image". It's in plural form. Not just God the Father saying, "Let me make man in my own image". How wonderful it is to see to truth in all of this. "We love, becaus He first loved us".