Thursday, October 02, 2003

I've had friends tell me that I've changed this year. Perhaps it's my mood, but I think it's my attitude. Attitude is a little something that can make a big difference. I've handled a lot more with less stress, and worries. It's a wonderful feeling to look at a situation that had once made me hit the ceiling not cause any negative emotions anymore. As the song goes, "Feelings......nothing more than feelings...."
Emotions are unreliable. I've learned this now. How we feel at one point in time will change the next moment, so if we use it as a measure of our well-being or happiness, it will be forever fluctuating, and innaccurate. What will sustain us is JOY. "The joy of the Lord is my strength." Joy isn't a feeling, it's much more than that. It's a state of mind, that God has given us. Only this joy can completely satisfy us, that can't be shaken by our surroundings.
I observe many people who exaggerate situations or problems that really aren't that big a deal. Complaining is a big part of daily life, and it seems like the most common subject. So a friend and I tried an experiment for one day: to not complain or speak negatively for 24hrs. It wasn't easy, as many ppl start their day by telling others how tired they are and whatnot. But we did it, and it seemed that less complaining occurs in a conversation when one party doesn't speak negatively. Cools!
I learned this quote in class today.

"A lump in your oatmeal, a lump in your throat and a lump in a breast are not the same lump."
(Fulgrum, 1991)

So lighten up, and stop reacting to those little inconveniences of life as problems!