Saturday, September 20, 2003

Been a cool two days......finally making a dent in all this homework/readings catch-up. It's not totally hopeless!
Started the weekend: had lunch with Cho, so glad we got caught-up! =) Then visited Jen for her B-day dinner. Jen's, Nat's and Jing's place is soo nice and comfortable! IKEA would be proud. =P Then it was ACF, good time of hearing our counsellors' sharing, and praying. Got to visit Cho's and Bex's place, which is nice and roomy. Played mah-jong (I really suck tho)
This afternoon was Kim's baptism party, lots of great food, there's so many talented cooks! Then off to grocery shopping. Came home, did hmwk. Then had dinner with my old roommates. = )