Friday, July 11, 2003

One of my childhood dreams has come no, it's not Prince Charming, but once you hear what it is, you'll think I'm really silly, or worse, pathetic. I remember distinctly that as a child, my mom would take Karen and I to the public library every Saturday. It was so much fun, and we would borrow as many books as possible if my mom had allowed us. (yes, we were very geeky bookworms) =P As the librarian checked out our books using the scanner, I was amazed by it. It looked so much fun scanning, and stamping, scanning and stamping. Okay, you get the point. I thought to myself that one day, I want to be doing just that. I didn't want to be a librarian when I grow up, but just someone who gets to scan and stamp books all day. Even in school, I would play 'library' with my classmates, and I would pretend to scan and stamp books. So at work today, hardly any children were in b/c of the rain, so my supervisor was like "can you check these books out for withdrawal?" I got to scan and stamp for a good hour! It was such good mindless fun. Alright, you can stop making weird faces now. Back to some more mindless work!