Monday, April 07, 2003

This weekend has been very pleasant, and fulfilling. We had the ACF banquet on Friday, and it was just really great to see so many of us come out to celebrate, share and have fellowship with one another. This group has certainly grown ever since Sept. and it's just amazing to see how God's working in each of our lives. On sat. was the LCAC farewell party, and that was pretty interesting. I never really did feel old until that night, as we were playing with very energetic high school teens. = ) On Sunday night, I went to Bible Study at our counsellor's home, and I experienced the Holy Spirit move through us. I learned that God wants to break us down, and shake away parts of us (sin, our ideals, our ambitions, our personality) that He won't use. That way, we are left broken and refined, ready for God to use. It was a moving and compelling experience to realize the pain of our true selves, and how crappy we really are.
After that, I got to spend time with a friend, just sharing our lives and encouraging each other. I feel very blessed to have him in my life.