Tuesday, March 18, 2003

This week went by so fast. There were good and sad times as well. The good part was, I had a chance to spend time with family and friends. The sad news is that our church's beloved P. Ben and Vivian is leaving us. = ( I know I shouldn't feel this way, it's pretty selfish of me, I know. But I also feel that I've taken him for granted all these years, never thinking of the possibility that he might not be around in the future. And now the future is here. That's why I want to go home every weekend just to see them a couple more times. I know that the Lord will bless his next church, and their english ministry.
I've started reading "I kissed dating good-bye" yesterday, and now I'm almost done. It is like nothing I've read before about the issues of dating and whatnot. It's changed my views already, and I would totally recommend it to those who haven't read it yet. It's by Joshua Harris, and P.Ben lent me the sequel "Boy meets Girl" as well. I'll let you know about both books at the end of this week, and I'll try to write up a sypnosis for those that don't have time to read it. = P