Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Continuation of "I kissed dating good-bye". Last blog I posted the habits of defective dating, now on to one chapter I really liked. The chapter called "The Right Thing at the Wrong Time is the Wrong Thing". Harris talks about how God has given us different seasons in our life, each with a unique emphasis and focus. We should not try to skip or rush through the season of singleness, because God wants us to maximize our freedom and flexibility to serve Him. The next chapter talks about purity. Purity and impurity is not separated by a fixed point. Purity is a direction, and a persistent determined pursuit of righteousness. This direction starts in the heart, and we express it in a lifestyle that flees opportunities for compromise. Harris goes on to tell a truly touching story of how two friends of his shared their first kiss at the altar on their wedding day. Now that's love fueled integrity!
Near the end, Josh speaks of principled romance, here are some steps he suggests when you've met someone 1. Remember relational responsibilities (your relationship w/ family, friends, and God) 2. Seek a deeper friendship first 3. Watch, wait, pray 4. Define the relationship's purpose: pursuing marriage 5. Honour their parents 6. Test and build the relationship in real-life settings 7. Reserve passion for marriage