Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reminiscing Urbana 03...

The Lord is so faithful, right girls? Remember the personal covenants made? Remember the power of prayer? Remember the unified worship? Remember His works? Remember God's glory?
Three years have passed since we went together...and now we're all spread apart in different countries...beginning to see and still awaiting the fruits of His promise. Learning and experiencing daily obedience, and going on in faith. Oh, how I miss you...but hold you close to my heart.
How exciting it is to see and hear from those who are there right now, experiencing the indescrible glory of God. Can't wait to hear your stories!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Wishing y'alls a very Merry Christmas!

last thurs. we met up with P+R....and I felt maybe for the first time, the pure love of the Father shown through another person. I can't explain it, but it still brings me to tears reflecting on it.
"The cross before me the world behind..."

Who needs a dryer? Not us! hahaha...the best of student living. Posted by Picasa

Not a white Christmas? London had an awesome 3.5 ft of snowfall two weeks ago. :D Posted by Picasa

warming up for exam free snow day! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 04, 2006

Yay for December!

It's finally here. Kind of anticlimatic...but nonetheless very peaceful, which is what I've been hoping for. The beginning of Nov. proved to be highly stressful for me, as I did poorly on all my midterms due to reasons still unknown to me. I have always studied a certain way, and it's worked throughout high school and through university. I can usually guess how well I did after my exams, but I completely taken aback when 3 of my profs asked to see me. *gulp* I was as shocked as them at the marks I got. They questioned my time management, for working 20+ hours at CampusRec...nothing in my head made sense. "how could that be?" I thought...I worked my butt off in everything that I do....why is it amounting to this? This is the year that counts for internships for graduate school maybe...what's going on?

The Lord nudged me to seek after Him, and to find in Him all the answers I need. One night, I dreamt that I was trying to climb atop a mountain....but I came across a rock in front of I started to push it forward and upwards....only to find it grow bigger and bigger into a large boulder. I could no longer move the rock....and I get my foot stuck underneath it...then it starts to roll back on me...and I felt like crying. When I awoke, I knew I had to let it all go to Him, or else this 'boulder' of doubt, stress, and unbelief would crush me. Somehow the Lord gave me the courage to approach my ridiculous Nov. schedule with a positive attitude and not look back. I worried about my transcript, but He assured me that "His grace is sufficient for me". I can no longer rely on myself. I need Him. I know that He has prepared a path for me...and I will trust that He'll get me to where He's promised. I am humbled by the love and grace that He continually lavishes with.

When Cora and I went to visit Mac in early dec. We were blessed at Westside Comm. Church with a sermon on healing. Here are some of the key points: Jehovah Rapha-God the Healer

4 Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5

Infirmities->"choliy"-> sickness
Sorrows ->"makob"-> physical + mental pain
Healed ->"ilathte" -> physical healing

Jesus came to heal us not just spiritually, but emotionally and physically. For in the Kingdom of Heaven, there is no sickness, and as we read in Matt 6 (the Lord's prayer) "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". It is God's will for us to be healed. Read 1 Peter 2:24, Matt. 4:23-24, Matt 8 (the centurion's faith), Matt 8:17 "He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our disesases."

We don't see the God's supernatural power in our natural lives because we lack the biblical teaching, our mental condition of skepticism, passive attitude and unbelief. Pastor Paul shared many stories of healing, and the power of the cross. I decided to start praying with faith...and God is moving, and healing in small things that I never thought I needed to 'bother God' with previously (like headache, cold, cramps, chronic shoulder pain). He's also healed in a big way too in someone's life, and it was certainly edifying others who's heard, and bringing glory to His name. :)

I shared my testimony for the first time at ACF coffeehouse a few weeks back. I was so not prepared, and didn't write a single word down...and I thought I first that I was just lazy and foolish to not even have an outline or a point to make. Don't recall much of what I said, but it doesn't matter, as I'm sure the Lord worked. Cora and I continued to treat the audiences' ears with our musical talent. lol...oh boy!, we errr sucked.....hehhehe...good thing God looks at the heart, so there! ;D

Haven't been home since looking forward to cooked food finally, family (they miss me. me!), and Christmas!